Virus & Malware Removal in Orange County, California!

virus-removal-orange-countyIf your PC or laptop is running slow, or strange windows keep popping up as you browse about Windows, your PC may well have been infected by a virus, spyware or one of the myriad other types of malware that proliferate on the web. If your computer performance uneven – sometimes fine, sometimes slow – is also indicative of an infection. Viruses can even look at the people in your address book and send messages you did not send! Are you having trouble printing or do you keep getting strange, threatening pop-up messages? Sounds like you may have picked up a virus or some malware out there on the Internet. Taking care of infections early is important. A quick response may prevent file corruption and data loss.

Common Symptoms of a Virus Infection

  • Computer slows down without reason
  • Unusual messages or displays on your monitor
  • Unusual sounds or music played at random times
  • Some of your files become corrupted or suddenly don’t work properly
  • Unknown programs or files have been created
  • Programs or files are suddenly missing
  • A disk or volume name has been changed
  • Our system has less available memory than it should

We recommend fast action, because the virus infection spread very fast, and can produce significant damage to your file and system!

virus-removedNo matter how bad things seem our Virus Removal Orange County service can get you running again at optimum performance. We will restore functionality by removing any type of viruses, Ad-ware, Spy-ware, Mal-ware or pop-ups. Sometimes a computer virus can infiltrate into your computer even if you have an anti-virus program installed. We will fix your computer no matter which virus it has. A computer virus is a malicious self-replicating program. The longer you use an infected computer the greater the chance you will lose data. Don’t let malware corrupt your files and operating system and infect other computers in your network.

Orange County Virus Removal Service Include:

  • Removal of any virus, spyware, malware and rootkits on and you system
  • Repair any operating system issues and test for proper functionality
  • Perform critical system updates
  • Apply system modifications
  • Tips to help prevent future infections
  • If we are unable to fix issues we will reinstall a fresh Operating System that is virus free.


Addition Computer Repair Services Include:

  • Computer Diagnosis
  • Data backup
  • Data Recovery from a failed or non-functioning drive
  • Component Replacement (Hard Drive, Motherboard, Processor, Video Card, Sound Card, etc.)
  • Windows Reconfiguration
  • Speed up your slow computer
  • Anything else not listed, we probably do, give us a call for more information.

We offer these services on-site and remotely. Same or next day service is available. You can save time and money by having one of our technicians work on your computer remotely. Most of the things on the list above can be done remotely. Give us a call for more information and to setup an appointment. IMCCO is available for our customers whenever they need us. This is part of our mission. We know computer technology so you don’t have to. Your individual or commercial needs are important no matter how big or small your project might be.